How many calories are in acai bowls - Vida boa Açai

425 This Way Lake Jackson, TX 77566


Acai calories

How many calories are in acai bowls

We already know that acai bowls are a delicious and versatile food that can match perfectly with countless ingredients and pair with many different meals, from deserts to main dishes. Is a whole tasting menu in a single Brazilian coconut.

But, tastes apart, is acai good for your health and diet? Well, let’s discover together!

In this article, we’ll talk about the many benefits of this little purple fruit for your body. And you’ll understand why acai stores, much like Vida Boa Açaí, often come side-by-side with gyms. And, of course, we’ll answer the 5 dollars question: after all, how many calories are in an acai bowl?

Is acai healthy? 

That’s easy. Acai health benefits are a consensus amongst specialists. Studies point out that the anthocyanins, the pigments that give acai its characteristic color, are antioxidants responsible for preventing premature aging, even at a cellular level. In other research, the pounder of acai seeds showed positive results as a painkiller.

It’s also true that this Amazonic fruit is an excellent source of proteins and essential minerals, like calcium, manganese, potassium, iron and magnesium. You know, the usual suspects that power-up your muscles and make your body… Well, function.

That’s why acai works as a perfect post-workout meal, providing your body with everything it needs to recover from the stress of the exercise and start the muscle growth, without the feeling of fatigue and reducing the lactic acid pain.

Beyond that, acai is mainly composed of slow-burning carbohydrates and high-quality fat. If you are aiming to lose weight and are worried about controlling your daily calorie consumption, this last information may seem like a red flag.

But, in this case, it’s really not what it seems. Because that’s the main reason for sports practitioners of any level – from beginners to pros – keeping acai in their diets, especially the most restrictive ones.

With that composition, acai makes for a true energetic meal, providing you with energy and keeping you satiated for longer periods of time – without the sugar-rush and the midday cravins that usually come with some “energy drinks” you’ll find in the market.

Combined with that, the particular kind of oil that it’s found in acai is responsible for assisting your organism in glucose control, which is always good if you’re looking to get in shape.

Discover how acai became known worldwide through jiu jitsu.

How many calories are in acai bowls? 

That’s a trickier question, however. After all, there are many healthy foods that, despite being delicious and providing many nutrients, are always a bit complicated in the matter of calories. That’s the case for many fruits, organic bread and (kid you not) beer. And, in most of those cases, before answering this question one has to ask: what do you eat with?

Let’s get mathematical. Technically, 100g of natural acai (without sugar) have, in everage, 60 calories. Almost nothing, right? Adding guarana syrup, this number goes to 110 calories.

The beautiful thing about acai – and Vida Boa Açaí’s bowls, especially – is that it matches with all the delicious and healthy toppings you can imagine. So, build your bowl with the ingredients of your preference and with the number of calories that you and your diet will be ok with.

Always keep in mind that, while all the many forms of acai can, literally, bring hundreds of health benefits to the table, those are always more effective if you choose a more natural acai, forget about sugar, and combine it with a balanced diet.

Do you want to taste this delicious meal and improve your energy at workout or work? Come to visit Vida Boa Acai, in Lake Jackson (TX) and have a new experience with our Brazilian menu.