Ollie Acai Bowl - Vida boa Açai

425 This Way Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Ollie Acai Bowl


The Ollie Bowl is a little off the normal road in the States… but, we wouldn’t be an authentic Brazilian acai shop without boasting a powdered milk bowl! The Ollie has wild, organic acai and is layered with hemp heart granola, sliced bananas, 3rd Coast Honey and topped with powdered milk. This bowl will impress you with its delicious powdered milk finish. Come give it a try and prepare to be pleasantly surprised and get a taste of a truly Brazilian experience.

Small cup: U$10.25
Big cup: U$12.25

SKU 10 Category:

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 3 × 60 × 80 cm